Title, basically. Three Boys, aged 9, 10, and 13, are getting a PS5 for Christmas, and I want to expand their horizon beyond roblox and minecraft.

They’re gett8ng one controller each, so bonus points for something they can play together.

PS: I’m not too strict about age restrictions. They know we’ll what they are and aren’t allowed to say and do, so I’m not very concerned about VoIlEnT videO gAmEs to a reasonable extent.

They do enjoy builders and open world stuff, by the way.

  • @roofuskit
    13 months ago

    While this isn’t a specific game recommendation, I highly recommend getting a dekudeals account and adding the games you are interested in to your wishlist.

    You will get alerts when the games go on sale. It has saved us a bunch of money with PS5 games.