• @_sideffect
    12 months ago

    How would they end homelessness with 20b? I doubt that’s even remotely true

    • @frickineh
      112 months ago

      I don’t think we’ll ever really end homelessness, but we could absolutely get close if the money we spend on all these piecemeal measures was put to better use. No idea what the total spent is (probably more than that) but we’re basically dumping tons of money into half measures that only really help a handful of people. Supportive housing works for a much larger percentage of people experiencing homelessness, but no one wants to fund it because they hate the idea of giving someone housing without requiring something of them first. If Americans could get past the attitude of, “if I had to suffer, so should everyone else,” we’d all be a lot better off.

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      Just buy every homeless person a sandwich, duh.

      Oh, sorry, i thought we were talking about ending world hunger.

      • Karyoplasma
        2 months ago

        The point of the tweet is to show the egregious “take” of Elon Musk has while leeching on society and being a raging drug abuser himself while being a nazi-loving piece of shit that got rich off of daddy’s apartheid emeralds on top of that. Doesn’t matter if it costed $20bn or $200bn, Musk still has more.

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          I’m not saying Kyle was necessarily lying about the dollar value, but you can make that point without using a number people will call bullshit on. It would probably be a better too. Also, if people used his post as the start of a discussion of homelessness I’m sure Kyle would have achieved his goal.

        • ObjectivityIncarnate
          2 months ago

          Doesn’t matter if it costed $20bn or $200bn, Musk still has more.

          It costs more than he has, so yes, it does matter. Even the bogus $20b figure was an ANNUAL figure, not one-time.

          You have no sense of perspective of the monumental costs of solving problems like these. It is far beyond the means of even the wealthiest individual on the planet.

          Did you know the US spends over $1 trillion (with a T) every year on welfare programs? And that’s without ‘solving’ anything, just trying to treat symptoms.

          Get a clue.

      • @Doomsider
        02 months ago

        I think you are confused how much 20 billion is. That could pay rent for our entire homeless population and feed them for 20 years. I would agree this may not actually solve the problem but housing first is a proven effective strategy.