• sunzu2
    -183 months ago

    Responsibilityto handle guns safely is not something that can waived with an employment arrangement.

    But Hollywood LARPers love their regime whores too much to give a fuck. I bet these are the same clowsn are who want “gun control”

    Pathetic Caricatures of a citizen

    • RedC
      -153 months ago

      No major gun incidents for decades in the film industry! Since Brendon lee. Alec made the first major fuckup since then and killed someone with a live round and Noone sees anything wrong with that.

      I’m not saying other people didn’t fuck up and deserve punishment aka the armorer, but Alec also deserves to answer for it

      • sunzu2
        -133 months ago

        Alec also deserves to answer for it

        Exactly, but corruption within justice system prevented any accountability.

        Another microcosm of how US regime operates.

        Two tier justice system and plebs like it as is 🤡