
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy asserted that no world leader has the right to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin on behalf of Ukraine.

Speaking to Le Parisien readers, Zelenskyy emphasized that Ukraine alone determines its future and any dialogue with Russia must follow a peace plan based on strength and international support.

He warned against negotiating without clear guarantees of security, highlighting the risks of Putin resuming aggression after a ceasefire.

Zelenskyy called for a strategy ensuring Ukraine’s long-term stability and security, beyond NATO or EU membership timelines.

  • @DicJacobus
    2 months ago

    That is literally a bullshit copypaste psyop that Russia regurgitated for over a decade to drum up a false narrative.

    Unless you’re just a Russian who’s obligated to regurgitate your Nazi state Rhetoric, I’d suggest you educate yourself a little bit on the history of what caused this conflict, the sooner you realize that Russia has been waging probably the largest information war in history in the years leading up to this war.

    **Understand one fundemental thing. Russia is a country that is mentally stuck in the 1700s and is obsessed over big lines on maps, speheres of influence, Emprie. It wants these things, It cant have these things without blood. It wont abandon its pursuit of these things. Russia wants America and NATO out of the picture so it can pick on who it wants. Russia has absolutely no chance of defeating NATO in a military conflict. So their only hope in a confrontation is to have the other side tear itself apart internally, everything they’ve done online the past 15 to 20 years has been in pursuit of that end goal. **

    the sooner you realize that, you’ll stop making a fool of yourself, doing their work for them by posting the same garbage that they cooked up in a military internet troll farm to aid their tinpot worldview goals. And if you dont, well, dont bother replying with more of your crap to me, because I Have an acute sense for Russian Nazi / Kremlin propaganda. You’re wasting your time.

    • ZeroOne
      2 months ago

      Even BBC confirmed it, all you’ve done is yell that it’s propaganda, sorry but nope, That doesn’t cut it anymore

      & cut it out with the “troll” accusations, your side is the one spitting propaganda, people like you also said that Ukraine will bleed Russia dry, now the cat’s out of the bag You’re NAFO imperialists & not in any high positions of morality