
The Novavax Covid vaccine offers an effective alternative to mRNA vaccines, with fewer side effects.

Unlike the Pfizer and Moderna shots, which commonly cause fatigue, fever, and headaches, Novavax is based on older vaccine technology and results in milder, shorter-lasting reactions.

mRNA vaccines dominated early due to rapid development, but Novavax offers comparable Covid prevention effectiveness, with studies suggesting longer-lasting antibody responses.

Despite these advantages, Novavax remains underutilized, largely due to timing and misconceptions about its efficacy. Experts encourage considering it as an equal option.

  • HubertManne
    12 months ago

    just dropping that there were two types initially. the mrna and dna varieties. when I first read your thing I was thinking. hey the non mrna had the blood clot thing. this is the old way of doing it which takes much longer. did not even know they bothered but hey if some folks will get it who otherwise would refuse because they think its safer then Im all for it. Ill still do the mrna because I doubt the old method can keep up strain wise.