My kids are young and their birthdays are exactly 3 years and 1 day apart. We have their birthday parties together for now because they are still young (turning 4 and 7) they also get along and don’t mind at all sharing a birthday party.

When making invitations should I put that it’s a joint birthday party? I don’t want parents to feel obligated to get something for both kids but I also don’t want them to feel bad that they didn’t know and didn’t get something for the other kid. How should I word the invitations?

  • @MrQuallzin
    61 month ago

    My brother and I are just 2 days (and a few years) apart. Personal celebrations with family were combined when we were younger (and moved to separate ones on our own birthdays as we grew older), and parties with friends were held on separate days.

    On the invitation I’d say it’s a combined birthday party and that presents aren’t required for both kids, just the one that they’re coming for (As in friends of Kid A get Kid A presents, and friends of Kid B get Kid B presents)