Following the attack on Ukraine’s energy system, Reuters reports that half a million people in Kharkiv region were left without heating on Christmas Day, in temperatures just a few degrees Celsius above zero. Meanwhile there were blackouts in the capital Kyiv and elsewhere.

Russia has intensified attacks on the Ukrainian energy sector since spring of this year, damaging almost half of its generating capacity and causing prolonged blackouts.

  • @[email protected]OP
    492 months ago

    Sometimes there’s people you just don’t stand up to, because they have no middle ground between not retaliating and commiting mass murder. Putin is not one of those types of assholes.

    The world should have backed Putin down HARD with a show of force when he invaded Ukraine.

    • Skiluros
      242 months ago

      It’s not just putin though, it is at the very least a strong majority of russian population who are supporters of genocidal imperialism.

      And this holds true across every demographic segement (age, income, rural vs. urban, education).

      • @[email protected]OP
        182 months ago

        But in the beginning it was Putin alone who decided to invade, and we missed our chance to nail the son of a bitch to the wall.

        • Skiluros
          2 months ago

          That’s not true. The beginning of the invasion of Ukraine started with the annexation of Crimea in 2014. This was supported by 84% of the population (consistent across 7 years of polling 2014 to 2021). Even with list experiments to account for preference falsification, the support number largely stays the same at 80%.

          And support for the full scale invasion was at 65% in 2022 even with preference falsification adjustments.

          And then there is the matter of the russian population: 1. electing a KGB goon in 2000 (considered largely free and fair) 2. Reelecting the KGB goon after he shut down mass market independent media (also free and fair) 3. Supporting the comical Medvedev seat warming plan in 2008 4. Electing putin as leader for life in 2012.

          Don’t get me wrong, I agree you that Western support has been very weak (if funding is an issue, there was 550 billion in russian assets) and failed to effectively challenge russia.

          • @Eheran
            82 months ago

            I agree and find it rather disgusting that they try to blame a single person when in reality most Russians want this. Now the actual question is how they got so radicalize and how much they deserve to suffer for it. For wanting to do terrible things to others they deem as less worthy because they were told their whole live that this is the truth. I think they deserve what the Nazis got, and that has so far been the only “cure” for this extremist nonsense. It also worked with Japan.

            • Skiluros
              2 months ago

              To start with, it would be good if EU, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand banned visits/residence for russian citizens until russia leaves all occupied territories, hands over all war criminals and provides financial compensation for all damage.

              With a explicit notice that they are welcome to play the victim and talk about alleged “russophobia”; this is not going to work.

              Realistically, a change in attitudes would require other measures, but this would be a start.

              • @Eheran
                22 months ago

                One issue with this is that if people want to get out of Russia, then can not get out. But we want them to leave. Everyone leaving is a loss for Russia, and smart people tend to leave first too.

                • Skiluros
                  -22 months ago

                  While whataboutism is pretty common when discussing russia. The actions of russia and the US are not comparable.

                  It would be like if the US annexed Basra Governorate. Stole all the children to US mainland (and sent them to re-education camps). Sent any Iraqi in Basra caught speaking Arabic into a torture camp. Banned Islam and forced everyone to convert to protestant Christianity. And on top of that forced all Iraqis in annexed Basra to eat Tex-Mex style pork chops.

                  • @[email protected]
                    02 months ago

                    Could you please cite your sources that Russia has kidnapped every child in eastern Ukraine and sent them to reduction camps. Could you please cite your sources that Russia sent every Ukrainian speaker to a torture prison. Could you please cite your sources that Russia banned a religion and forced all of eastern Ukraine to convert to a different one.

                    And could you also explain where the line is that all Russians deserve mass collective punishment, which Americans, who’s country invaded multiple others, killing millions, operating torture camps, and are now openly and full throatedly supporting the full extermination of Gaza, have not crossed?