An indoor range? Never. Plenty of outdoor ones. Mostly as a cub scout, so it was all super low caliber shit (.22s and shotguns). that wasn’t really all that loud. Loudest thing I ever fired was a random 30 ought 6; only ever knew it as that. Even with ear protection, that thing hurt to shoot.
being indoors, surrounded by concrete and firing guns tho? I can only imagine it being pretty bad.
Ever been to a busy gun range? Within 20-minutes my entire body is vibrating. I wouldn’t shoot if I didn’t have my own range in the boondocks.
An indoor range? Never. Plenty of outdoor ones. Mostly as a cub scout, so it was all super low caliber shit (.22s and shotguns). that wasn’t really all that loud. Loudest thing I ever fired was a random 30 ought 6; only ever knew it as that. Even with ear protection, that thing hurt to shoot.
being indoors, surrounded by concrete and firing guns tho? I can only imagine it being pretty bad.