In general, I use apps, mostly because I root every phone (and yes, root ability is a major deciding factor when buying) as soon as I get it so I have tighter control for the tracking BS as well as being able to block ADs, effectively, system-wide. Literally no AD load on my phone (ok leak rate is like <2 % so It does happen, but it’s rare lol) be it a webpage or an ad-riddled app
Lemmy I definitely use an app because I find the UI… distasteful…
In general, I use apps, mostly because I root every phone (and yes, root ability is a major deciding factor when buying) as soon as I get it so I have tighter control for the tracking BS as well as being able to block ADs, effectively, system-wide. Literally no AD load on my phone (ok leak rate is like <2 % so It does happen, but it’s rare lol) be it a webpage or an ad-riddled app
Lemmy I definitely use an app because I find the UI… distasteful…