• @derekabutton
    32 months ago

    Ancient people used lead dishware for millenia. I honestly don’t think any modern lead poisoning is new or worse than it has been in most of the world. Id buy it if lead poisoning for the common person was more likely now, but there is no chance it is more severe with all of the regulations most of the world has today.

    Yes, perhaps global food scarcity is less manufactured than I made it out to be. I agree with that solution, too. But the fact that people in the “richest” country in the world are dying of hunger is downright despicable, and there is no doubt that it is manufactured here in the US. We have the food and the owning class lets it rot so they can have cheaper servants.

    From what I’ve come to understand, local governments are your friend. It’s the corporations running a train on them that messes up money allocation! Not to mention investors coming in and buying up swathes of land and using all of the public water for their alfalfa in the desert

    • @phcorcoran
      32 months ago

      Well, organometallic molecules are famously way more dangerous to us (e.g. mercury vs dimethylmercury), so it’s not really controversial to say that pumping tons of tetraethyl lead directly into the air people breathe may have been worse than whatever can leach out of lead pipes or dishware.

      Now that leaded gasoline is mostly phased out (except for avgas), I imagine the prevalence of lead poisoning will settle closer to what it may have been a millennia ago