
Donald Trump submitted a Supreme Court filing opposing a TikTok ban, citing his “dealmaking expertise” and promising to resolve national security concerns.

The brief advocates delaying the case to allow Trump to address it politically.

Legal experts criticized the filing for being overly self-promotional and unprecedented, with some mistaking it for satire.

Critics noted its unusual tone and highlighted the involvement of Trump’s potential solicitor general pick, D. John Sauer, in drafting the document.

The case concerns TikTok’s alleged violations of privacy laws and ties to China.

  • @[email protected]
    162 months ago

    What does it tell you that the Chinese government itself wants to protect their people from the influence of TikTok?

    Absolutely nothing?

    This is a country that has incredibly authoritarian laws on the books regarding the internet because it doesn’t want it’s people reading “”“”“western propaganda”“”", why would we assume it’s reason for continuing that behaviour isn’t the same as it’s always been: bullshit