Israel Loosened Its Rules to Bomb Hamas Fighters, Killing Many More Civilians (New York Times, 2024-12-26)
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Behold, it’s #NYT reporting:

“An investigation by The New York Times found that Israel severely weakened its system of safeguards meant to protect civilians; adopted flawed methods to find targets and assess the risk of civilian casualties; routinely failed to conduct post-strike reviews of civilian harm or punish officers for wrongdoing; and ignored warnings from within its own ranks and from senior U.S. military officials about these failings.

“The Times reviewed dozens of military records and interviewed more than 100 soldiers and officials, including more than 25 people who helped vet, approve or strike targets. Collectively, their accounts provide an unparalleled understanding of how Israel mounted one of the deadliest air wars of this century…”

@[email protected]
@[email protected]

  • @[email protected]
    12 months ago

    Only took over a year for them to see it, but uh… yeah. Go fuck yourself New York Times for acting like you had any journalistic integrity while cheer leading every war.