This company along with sur-ron have been playing really fast and loose with the “rules” around e-bikes. I’m not surprised at all. Regulations and more laws are coming for sure. Just waiting for the day you have to get a license, registration, and liability on all e-bikes because these companies take no ownership of this stuff.
I mean, who do they think they are? The firearms industry?
This company along with sur-ron have been playing really fast and loose with the “rules” around e-bikes. I’m not surprised at all. Regulations and more laws are coming for sure. Just waiting for the day you have to get a license, registration, and liability on all e-bikes because these companies take no ownership of this stuff.
I mean, who do they think they are? The firearms industry?
Why not both? Why not put guns on bikes? If we put guns on bikes Americans would be more into bikes!
I wonder which bike company would be Kel-Tec in this comparison lol