Played the first scenario. Defenders had a good advantage for 5/6 of the game, until some surprise crits took out a key Mech and the attackers claimed an uphill (literally) victory.

Played a lot of WH games in the past, migrated to OnePageRules, now I’m dipping my toes into this it seems. I’m sure we missed some rules (I don’t think I made enough piloting checks, for one) but overall I think we both got the feel for the game quite quickly.

Now, for the seemingly impossible task of deciding how to paint these guys… that doesn’t really matter in this game, right? I mean, it doesn’t really matter in 40k either, but you know what I mean. In other words, as long as they look cool and possibly coherent, we good, right?

Thanks 💜

    • Clay_pidgin
      2 months ago

      Just to add: the official rules say you can play with coins or dice or scraps of paper instead of official miniatures. Proxying is EXTREMELY common because nobody in their right mind would say you can’t field a unit you like just because you didn’t buy the mini when it was last sold 20 years ago. About half of the games I’ve played have had a proxy or two. It’s less common but still valid to use Lego Minifigs or something, the only key is that you be able to tell them apart and know which side is the front.

      As for painting: I’ve never met anyone who cares in 25 years of playing/being in the fandom. Many people play with unpainted Mechs and very few field the same Mechs every time so it doesn’t make that much sense to paint them cohesively. It’s fun for display it to have a theme but it makes absolutely no difference.

      Welcome to Battletech!

      By the way I got some special dice to use as markers for the incoming and outgoing modifiers and movement tracking. The ones I bought look like this but there are other types that work well. It really speeds the GATOR calculations up!

      • @A_Union_of_KoboldsOP
        22 months ago

        Oh nice, I was thinking about movement/modifier dice. I’ve got a ton of d6s obviously but those could be handy.

        Thanks, happy to be here :)