
Donald Trump submitted a Supreme Court filing opposing a TikTok ban, citing his “dealmaking expertise” and promising to resolve national security concerns.

The brief advocates delaying the case to allow Trump to address it politically.

Legal experts criticized the filing for being overly self-promotional and unprecedented, with some mistaking it for satire.

Critics noted its unusual tone and highlighted the involvement of Trump’s potential solicitor general pick, D. John Sauer, in drafting the document.

The case concerns TikTok’s alleged violations of privacy laws and ties to China.

  • @Fredselfish
    22 months ago

    Oh yeah my brother loves his TikTok and so does my dad. I watched my brother he will just endlessly scroll and watch the dumbest shit you can imagine. That not even all the alt right shit he consumes on there. Hell I had to do a quick google search to prove a post as fake. Some rando says the tiger king was pardon or Biden was rounding up trump supporters and my brother bought it. I prove both post wrong and tried to explain that it was a propaganda tool to keep him stupid and in the dark. Still uses it.