• @RememberTheApollo_
    122 months ago

    I cannot believe that the democrats have completely disregarded the lead-up to, the years of the trump presidency, and everything that has followed.

    One thing has been starkly and objectively true - republicans place party before country. Even if it hurts them or flies in the face of everything they claim to believe in, they’ll still vote republican. They have internally equated being a democrat to being lower than a pedophile, lower than a felon, lower than a nazi.

    So no matter how far right the democrats attempt to go, the conservatives absolutely don’t give a fuck. They will set themselves on fire before they vote democrat. The Democratic Party needs to stop wasting time on them.

    • @[email protected]
      -52 months ago

      Abstentionists will damn themselves and everyone around them on principle. Shitty inconsistent principles at that. I’m angry about that, outraged even. But surprised? Baffled? In disbelief? Never. Dumb fucks ruining everything is just the way of the world.

      This is an affirmation of your conclusion, btw. The DNC are stupid, as is the RNC base, as are abstentionists.