• @Warl0k3
    2 months ago

    … “no u”?

    Seriously though, cliche flaming aside, why did you come into this with such hostility? The initial poster was just talking about a situation where ubuntu is clearly the preferable option - installing an OS with the minimum of time invested. What does it accomplish, coming in and talking at length about why actually Arch is the best choice in this case but only if you’re skilled enough? The initial call out for elitism wasn’t based on it being about Arch, though Arch very much attracts people who say things like this, it’s based on you quite literally derailing the conversation to talk about how good you are with the software. I doubt you intended it to be interpreted like that, but it comes across so smug and self-centered that it’s almost painful to read. That is the introspection I was hoping for, that your comments are not read in the manner you intend.