Got a free 1 year gift code for being a Pro user. Can’t redeem it myself so I thought I’d give it away on Lemmy.
To keep the giveaway simple, reply to this post with any comment. I’ll randomly pick a winner in 7 days and DM the code.
Got a free 1 year gift code for being a Pro user. Can’t redeem it myself so I thought I’d give it away on Lemmy.
To keep the giveaway simple, reply to this post with any comment. I’ll randomly pick a winner in 7 days and DM the code.
I’m on Firefox and the webclipper is working fine for me.
I haven’t come across any issues myself, however I sorely miss being able to archive notes like on Google Keep.
On Chrome, but also saw that others were having the same web clipper issues regardless of browser (it’s been an open issue on github for over 8 months, no indication of a fix). I created ‘archive’ sub folders (nested notebooks), it worked but very cluttered, but a true archive feature would be most welcome as well as real templates.