I figure the moment I turn on the heating the ultimate source for energy is Russia. So at that moment, I would be feeding the wrong side of Russia’s war....
That’s strange indeed. The mold is hopefully not feeding on the window frame, but rather on invisible dirt laying on the surface of the window frame, in which case regular scrubbing (after removing the mold) should keep it from growing again. In any case, I’m sorry you have to deal with that pesky fucker. Mold sucks.
Having said that, plastic eating mold in the wild, damaging as it could become, would be a wonderful discovery.
I’m seeing the most mold on the plastic frame of the window. Seems strange that the mold finds food in plastic.
That’s strange indeed. The mold is hopefully not feeding on the window frame, but rather on invisible dirt laying on the surface of the window frame, in which case regular scrubbing (after removing the mold) should keep it from growing again. In any case, I’m sorry you have to deal with that pesky fucker. Mold sucks.
Having said that, plastic eating mold in the wild, damaging as it could become, would be a wonderful discovery.
Plastic is organic. You might be thinking of the food definition ofeorganic not the chemistry definition.