Quoting the author

I’ve starting working on a lemmy front end called lemmy-ui-leptos using leptos, a Rust UI framework with isomorphic support, and tailwind + daisyUI for the component styling. This could eventually replace the frankenstein’s monster that lemmy-ui has become.

  • 33KK
    01 year ago

    There’s a difference between a tankie and a communist, and they are tankies.

    • cakeistheanswer
      31 year ago

      Then they’ll certainly have a lot more centralized control in mind than I would. But I’ve been too too many punk concerts and heard poser, and seen too many misplaced lobs of entryism to dismiss anyone behind a pejorative. Especially while the free speech instances are running the same software right along with beehaw.

      And more importantly some people can be smart at one thing and dumb elsewhere, just look at Ben Carson.