For me: Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.

I had seen the movie but never read the book before. It was a lot better than I expected.

Also what is your current/next book?

I’m continuing the saga with The Restaurant At The End Of The Galaxy.

  • snooggums
    420 days ago

    I was a prolific reader up to high school, then fell off a bit due to a combination of being busy with other things and not realizing my eyesight was going downhill in my early 20s.

    I did reread Lord of the Flies a few years ago and it was even better than I rememebered. Helped that it was so short that constantly being interrupted didn’t keep me from losing interest like a couple of the other books I tried around the same time.

    • OpenStarsOP
      420 days ago

      We’ve all been there: reading uses a particular part of your brain and if you’ve already had to read another book for school, it’s most often too exhausting to continue reading for pleasure as well. But don’t worry, you won’t forget your love for reading - even though you have to set it aside for a bit to focus your attentions elsewhere:-).