Today I was reading about a band I hadn’t heard of (Republic of Loose) and thought the singer looked like someone I had seen in a music video for another band.

In this video, the actor in question is laying on his back with the ocean under him (as if filmed off the edge of a ship). I believe it was made recently.

This is Mick (Mik?) Pyro:

He doesn’t totally look like the guy I’m trying to find but close enough to make me remember the video.

It is NOT Matt Berry. The actor I’m thinking of has short hair.

This is really stupid but when I first saw the video, I thought it was the guy from that old Hugh Mungus video:

What is the name of this actor?? It’s driving me crazy!

  • @glimseOP
    12 months ago

    I have the same love of British shows but I just could not place the guy. I have a terrible memory for faces