I’ve only found this on amazon.de and they have no stock. Doing a web search turns up nothing. It’s like it never existed, but the listing on amazon.de says it was released on January 31st 2023. Can anyone help?
The authors (according to the listing) are Crewman Daniels, Rick Sternbach, Michael Okuda, Trevor Gleeson, Mike Smith, David Ultra, Susan McNichols. But it’s independently published which makes no sense. Maybe it’s a scam. Here’s the Amazon link https://www.amazon.de/-/en/dp/B0BTKSP6QF/?coliid=I1TE4A8V7P0RQ3&colid=2P50FYXVDWCJ8&psc=0&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it
May I suggest something slightly more official? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation_Technical_Manual
It looks like the book OP is looking for is more focused on the LCARS design more than anything, which if true, makes me interested in finding the missing book to lolol
Fair enough, but the book by the guy who invented LCARS is good too.
I already have it - it’s great. But I’m very into the interface. According to the Amazon listing, the book I’m interested in is by Crewman Daniels, Rick Sternbach, Michael Okuda, Trevor Gleeson, Mike Smith, David Ultra, Susan McNichols. That would make it official too. But it’s so strange that it doesn’t exist elsewhere - I wonder if it’s even real at this point.
I replied to the wrong person - I have this one, it’s great. But as another responder said, I’m interested in LCARS specifically. I’m starting to think that this book is a fraud. How could the designer of something as elegant as LCARS release a book with such an ugly cover.
But the author of the book you’re talking about didn’t design LCARS, that’s what I’m saying. Michael Okuda did. The author of your book is apparently a model maker.
Mike Okuda is credited as an author on the book I posted. Or should I say “book”, as I don’t think it exists.
I must have been looking at a different book. I’m almost certain the one you’re talking about doesn’t exist considering the primary author is Crewman Daniels.
Yes, he’s listed first. If you click to expand the full list of authors you see the rest. Crewman Daniels is a shady name to be sure.
This website has the books that Michael Okuda’s name is listed as, which there’s also another book “Star Trek Bridge Design” that also supposedly came out in Jan 2023 with all the same people I think. But also similarly unavailable, so maybe it is a fraud, I also googled it and the only thing that came up was that website and the Amazon link
Nothing comes up with the ISBN either
Oh, that’s a good point. Based on that I checked wikipedia and it’s not listed on his page there either: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Okuda#Bibliography
I think it’s certainly a fraud. Oh well. It’s a great idea for a book.