Should be tasty, filling, and have 5 or less ingredients, preferably easy to prepare.

Chicken Parmesean


  • Chicken (burger) patties
  • Marinara
  • shredded cheese


  1. Bake patties at 420 for around 15-17 minutes on each side (flip and put back in, 30-35 minutes total)
  2. cut up patties into many bite-sized pieces
  3. Put pieces in mason jar and add shredded cheese and marinara and shake the hell out of it
  4. Eat out of mason jar with fork
  • chingadera
    2 months ago

    Out of all the forgettable foods, it’s easily my favorite. I never think to make it, I don’t think about it period, but sure enough every single time someone makes it, it’s delicious.

    Guy below me is correct, typically potatoes, carrots, onion, some people serve it over rice which is real good too.