At my last job, a bunch of the older folks did not realize they had a “two spaces” habit.

It’s a clear tell.

Saw this meme and thought I’d point that out.

  • @Postmortal_Pop
    32 months ago

    OP, this is a genuinely sent post on literally the first day of a new year. I want you to ask yourself something:

    Does being bothered by this bring you any form of joy or happiness?

    Does being bothered by this bring you any form of stress?

    If the later is more true than the former, maybe you should think about that. You’re taking time out of your day to be stressed about this thing and if isn’t even paying you back in any meaningful way. It took you maybe 10min to make this post? Where would you be if that time was spent doing something you actually like doing instead of trying to bend the world on something so inconsequential as extra spaces?

    I don’t know if you’ll take anything away from this, but of everyone stopped being hung up about things that didn’t effect us, we’d all be better off.