Throughout 2024, the Guardian aimed to report on every woman allegedly killed by a man, drawing on the work of campaigns such as Counting Dead Women, the Femicide Census and Killed Women.

In recent years in the UK, a woman has been killed by a man every three days on average, yet most of their stories have gone unheard. The Guardian wants to help change that.

This year, the toll of women whose deaths have led to a man being charged has reached 80. Here, we mark each of their lives.

None of these incidents are linked in any way other than that a woman has been killed and a man charged in connection with her death.

  • @chonglibloodsport
    52 months ago

    That doesn’t solve anything. This is not a competition. If we’re discussing this issue in good faith then we should be trying to dig deeper into the root causes rather than just tallying up the scores.

    I think it’s pretty firmly established scientifically that men are a lot more violent and dangerous than women. We tend to have a lot larger muscle mass and higher bone density as well as higher propensity for violent aggression.

    However I think it’s also pretty firmly established that, although by far most of the violent crimes are committed by men, by far most men never commit a violent crime of any sort. So what we’re actually dealing with is a small percentage of all men who commit nearly all violent crimes.

    So then what are we to do about it? We need to find ways to detect these men (men with a high propensity for violent aggression) and intervene to help steer them away from aggression, to better manage their anger, or to otherwise find ways to mitigate their risk of offending.

    • @spongebue
      2 months ago

      Fair points, but my comment was in light of all the “but more men are getting killed!” comments. The victim’s gender without context isn’t a very interesting data point to me, but it could very well be if you combine it with something else like the gender of the killer.

      • @chonglibloodsport
        52 months ago

        It’s not really any more interesting. We’re never going to see an epidemic of women killing each other. There’s no all-female gangs out there that I know of. The most common female-on-female violence is high school bullying.