That explosion came from the bed, not the bottom where the battery is. Then there’s all the additional bursts outside the vehicle after the initial eruption.
Definitely fireworks in the bed.
Now; were they lit intentionally, or by accident. Heat from the vehicle? Poor packaging/handling? Let’s see what else the investigation finds.
That explosion came from the bed, not the bottom where the battery is. Then there’s all the additional bursts outside the vehicle after the initial eruption.
Definitely fireworks in the bed.
Now; were they lit intentionally, or by accident. Heat from the vehicle? Poor packaging/handling? Let’s see what else the investigation finds.
My tin foil theory is that it’s a political statement. Didn’t it happen in front of the Trump hotel there?
It’s certainly poetic at the least. A cybertruck and a trump building; comercial products of the two incoming presidents.
This is quite the photo to start the year and presidency: