Tell a fish success is measured by climbing a tree, and he will spend his whole life thinking he’s a failure.

What skills, attitudes, personality traits have you seen mismatched to a certain job that later made the individual an awesome worker in another job?

  • Ekybio
    106 days ago

    Questioning Aurhority.

    Probably the most important ability to internalize, yet rarely told by anyone. Turns out most authorities dont like being questioned in terms of legitimacy, yet its important to not blindly follow someone just because of a title. Especially if the title is worthless and does not reflect relevant skills. Everyone can act as CEO, but not everyone can be a medical doctor.

    • @meco03211
      46 days ago

      Usually disliked by those who shouldn’t be in a position of authority. Good leaders will be able to really handle and be welcoming of constructive criticism.