Tidying up around the house, I went to put away the goodie bag from my dentist visit the other day.
Mini sensodyne! 2 Tubes! No sensitive teeth while I travel this year!
Tidying up around the house, I went to put away the goodie bag from my dentist visit the other day.
Mini sensodyne! 2 Tubes! No sensitive teeth while I travel this year!
A few years ago I switched to Bite toothpaste bits on a lark. I definitely prefer them to paste. But I realized after about a year of using them, my sensitivity to cold disappeared. I can now eat ice cream like a normal human now. YMMV but it worked for me.
Its a shame they only have a non-mint option for the version without fluoride :/
Edit: upon further looking, they include something else in the fluoride free version that’s supposed to serve the same remineralizing function, but I haven’t read the paper on it that they link to regarding it’s efficacy