Not trying to defend landlords but rent seeking is not what landlords do by default. Rent seeking is oddly enough not the same as trying to rent something for use.
Rent seeking is going to extra effort or expense to disallow use of something that would normally be usable without extra cost. So if a landlord installed locked shutters on the windows and charged you extra to remove them for a delux view that would be rent seeking.
Again not defending landlords. It’s just a ergonomic term that doesn’t mean what it sounds like it means.
Not all rental is rent-seeking behavior, but landlords as a class almost always engage in rent-seeking behavior. Rent-seeking is not necessarily about allowing or disallowing, but about extracting wealth without commensurate improvement in productivity or value that would justify it.
Not trying to defend landlords but rent seeking is not what landlords do by default. Rent seeking is oddly enough not the same as trying to rent something for use.
Rent seeking is going to extra effort or expense to disallow use of something that would normally be usable without extra cost. So if a landlord installed locked shutters on the windows and charged you extra to remove them for a delux view that would be rent seeking.
Again not defending landlords. It’s just a ergonomic term that doesn’t mean what it sounds like it means.
Not all rental is rent-seeking behavior, but landlords as a class almost always engage in rent-seeking behavior. Rent-seeking is not necessarily about allowing or disallowing, but about extracting wealth without commensurate improvement in productivity or value that would justify it.