If they can elect a felon to the white house, so could we.

Edit: Better image, thanks to @[email protected]

  • @[email protected]
    -72 months ago

    I think you completely missed the point I was making.

    In both cases a murderer is elevated to a higher stature because the people backing them believe the victims deserved to die. This is to me inherently wrong.

    With the right I can understand them supporting someone for shooting protesters, because they believe they have the right to oppress others. And I can understand the right fawning over Luigi, because they think justice with a gun is the way to go.

    What I can’t understand is the left taking the same opinion. The side who is against oppression, against guns, against violence. The side that has done the most through better regulation, union, strikes etc. Non violent solutions instead of violence like in centuries past.

    Some misguided people may think Luigi will trigger some sort of revolution where the people holding all the money and all the power somehow capitulate, because one of them got shot? I’m sure a lot of misguided people on the right thought Kyle’s actions would usher in a civil war, where it’s open season on blm protesters and anyone they didn’t like. Luckily that didn’t happen, but in the same vain I don’t think Luigi will trigger some revolution.

    And when it comes to revolution, I would prefer if we threw our shoes into the machines of industry in the form of sabotage, protests and strikes. Not in the form of an all put civil war where killing someone is the norm. Not just because to me that is morally repugnant, but also because the wealthy control most of the guns and power.

    Yes, it is a good thing the deep problems in our modern society have been given a spotlight. But it’s not like these things were a secret. It’s been a hot topic for a long time now. And given the chance to vote for someone to be in charge, people have voted for the ones who amplify these problems. Not just in the US, but over a lot of the Western world. Far right is gaining power fast and they are very clear they want to oppress people even more and elevate the billionaires to not be the de facto ruling class, but the actual ruling class.

    Elevating these murderers to something they are not is never a good thing. Kyle was just a dumb idiot with a lot of hate and a gun. Luigi was a guy that was pissed off (rightfully so), but chose to act out with a gun. Neither one was a fighter for their side, they had their own motives. They were both very wrong in the things they did and do not deserve any of the praise or attention they’ve gotten.

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago

      What makes you think the left is against guns and violence? Sounds more like liberal garbage to me