I’d expect the shortest day of the year to also be the coldest, with the coldest season of the year spreading out equally on both sides of it.
I’d expect the shortest day of the year to also be the coldest, with the coldest season of the year spreading out equally on both sides of it.
I spent about a week in Toledo, Spain for a wedding a few years ago during the summer. We were taking siestas on our second day there and eating dinner at 10pm.
It was actually quite enjoyable operating on the Spanish time-conventions.
The thing is, the time zones aren’t necessarily related to the lifestyle. A siesta at 1 on the current clock is identical to a siesta at 11 on a more natural clock. But either way you have a siesta when the sun is near its peak.
No, but being in Spain during the summer lends itself to doing as the locals do. I couldn’t have given less of a care about what time zone I was in.