Today’s game is Super Mario 64. I’ve done the First and got too the second bowser level. I took this screenshot while climbing up the stairs to the first battle. There’s something i love about these stairs and the bowser levels at large.

I also went to Jolly Roger Bay and tried to get that damn eel. I ended up drowning while trying to get to the surface and where i died was right before the top. It ended up looking like he was choking himself or drowning on air:

I also did the Penguin on the Snowy mountain. I think i can say i made everyone proud dropping it off the mountain (Though i took myself with it)

I also caught Mips and got this screenshot of him looking like his day was ruined. I surprisingly did it in record time and it only took me three attempts to catch the damn thing. I took him into Lethal Lava land with me shortly after this picture. I lost him while there but i imagine he’s still there.

  • MyNameIsAtticusOP
    12 months ago

    I think the controls are one of the few things impacting its age. They’re difficult to get right on modern hardware with the One Stick design. Especially the Wii U gamepad. I played that version and Mario just did not control well for me. I don’t know what it was