For me it was only 2 out of at least 3, if I count “hear about” as being more than a casual mention (I wanted the title to be shorter but I actually mean looking up as in reading an article about, to find who / what / why / etc.), and if I ignore the cache of explosives found in Virginia.

For context, the three that I mean were: the driver in New Orleans, the truck explosion in Las Vegas, and the shooting in New York. (Edit: people are saying that the last one is not strictly speaking related to terrorism, at least that we know of. A better title for this post would have been “violent” rather than “terrorist” events.)

Damn, we sure live in “interesting” times! 🙄

    2 months ago

    I don’t see any indication that the NYC shooting was a terror attack. It reads like the all too common street shooting over petty bullshit, although my assessment could change if the story builds.

    Regarding the other two, while both vehicles having been rented through the same company is suspect, I’m definitely in a wait and see point. Sometimes coincidences are just that.