So my three year old has, since she was little, been really into jumping. I try to warn her that she could seriously injure herself, but this hasn’t happened yet so she doesn’t think I’m serious. But she jumps over and off anything. Sisters bunk bed to the armchair 2 meters away? No problem. Bunk bed to the floor? Sticks the landing every time. I swear my partner must have cheated on me with a f##king spider monkey.

How do I convince her to not do the jumps that could break her ankle if she lands wrong? I’m not getting through to her. I’m happy she is physically active, but she’s taking the piss.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Falling awkwardly when that little is remarkably risk free (within reason) bones and joints are bendy and mild injuries heal quickly and lessons will be learned practically.

    Toddlers are exploring all boundaries and this behaviour is exploring their boundaries of physical resilience.

    Let them explore, let them go until they find their limit… then explain, immediately.

    Of course, this requires you make sure a serious accident can’t happen, so get rid of that glass coffee table etc.

    Example, my son fell off his top bunk, while clambering around like a loon, hurts arm, needs a cast for a few months. Learns to use the ladder.