• @shalafi
    12 months ago

    Good question! One example would be the guy I ran into twice while hiking. He was leasing the land to hunt deer, felt it was his land between those calendar dates.

    He was nice enough, on the surface. But I could see him boiling inside, struggling to contain his temper. Would he have beat my little ass if I wasn’t openly carrying? Can’t say. Bet he would have been far more threatening. But an armed society is a polite society. Nobody fucks with anybody around here.

    Funnier, and dumber, are the few times I’ve actually drawn my weapon. Once was on a deer at 3AM. All I see was a triangular, tawny head up close, thought, “Ah! PANTHER!” Nope. Or the time I stumble-fucked around drawing on something making hella noise in the bushes next to me. LOL, probably a coon.