My dog tends to splash a lot of water out of the dog bowl, unless the splashes are deflected by the rim, in the event of a lower water level. I’m looking to find a DIY product that is somewhat ‘A’ shaped, and can be snapped onto the existing rim of the bowl.

I need key words or ideas for items I can search for and purchase. I’m looking for something rubber and flexible, sort of like the cable floor trip protectors or pipe insulators, but again ‘A’ shaped where the bottom can wrap around the rim itself.

Does anyone have any ideas?

  • TragicNotCute
    22 months ago

    Some good ideas for what you asked for in this comment section, but have you thought about trying to solve it slightly differently? I have a similar problem and a diatomaceous earth bath mat has done a lot to absorb the slop pretty rapidly.

    • @NJSpradlinOP
      2 months ago

      It’s a cool idea, I won’t deny it, especially just finding out about that kind of thing. But, the mixed reviews and the luxury price of it make me want to go with RV weather stripping instead.

      The weather stripping I found, although 35 feet longer than I need for the project, has the right dimensions for it. (I need about a foot, with a 3/8” wide* channel and about 2” rise on the top flap.)