Good, producers of products should be responsible for the disassembly and recycling of materials they use in their products.
If I buy a toaster or a TV I should be able to bring it back to any store, or common pickup location (like a pinguin pickup or beer store) to be taken back and recycled fully.
Any plastic wrap/containers or any packaging at all for products I buy at a store like Walmart for example should also be taken back by Walmart or any other store that carry’s said products.
Good, producers of products should be responsible for the disassembly and recycling of materials they use in their products.
If I buy a toaster or a TV I should be able to bring it back to any store, or common pickup location (like a pinguin pickup or beer store) to be taken back and recycled fully.
Any plastic wrap/containers or any packaging at all for products I buy at a store like Walmart for example should also be taken back by Walmart or any other store that carry’s said products.