• unknown1234_5
    020 days ago

    it’s not ‘zero oversight’, you have to get a background check and wait 2 weeks to get your gun even though you passed (this bit is kinda pointless), and other stuff as well depending on where you are and where you’re getting it. all that is irrelevant though because all a gun is is a tube with a stick in the back that hits the primer on the bullet, meaning all you need to make one is some pipe and a drill. also once again, see drugs for an example of how people will continue to attain illegal things even though they are illegan.

    • Zagorath
      119 days ago

      Yeah and if that background check were required, without loopholes like private sales, everywhere in the country, you’d halve the problem. The problem with America is that conservatives are so stuck on their ideology that even modest compromises in favour of sensible policy are rabidly opposed. Americans would rather children die than pass sensible policy. Every gun-supporting American has children’s blood on their hands.