The reverse of that post I’ve made a week ago…

Rules: pick one movie or series and explain why you actually enjoyed it despite the criticism.

For me: The JJ Abrams Star Trek movies, by far the best ST stuff ever made, I couldn’t take seriously the original universe with the dated effects and stiff acting, same goes for NG… These movies did ST actually great looking and much more believable, not just the effects.

  • @Late2TheParty
    982 months ago

    For me, it’s the movie Waterworld. I cannot get enough of that movie. So many people hated it. 🤣

      • @Tahl_eN
        102 months ago

        Postman was great! The book is worth a read, too.

      • @Cenzorrll
        12 months ago

        The joke in my friend group was that Waterworld was Dances with Wolves on water. The Postman was Waterworld on land. Dances with Wolves was the Postman with Native Americans. Toss in whichever parallel you feel works best to not actually say the movie you’re putting on.

    • Ghostface
      152 months ago

      DRY LAND!!!

      I dont understand the hate other than cosner was the guy to hate in that era.

      • @Anticorp
        92 months ago

        I’ve never understood Costner hate. He’s a good actor who stars in a lot of good movies.

    • @Ceedoestrees
      82 months ago

      Solid Film. Quirky characters. Everyone seems to be having fun.

      It inspired me to buy a kayak a few years back to have my Autistic Fish Man Summer.

    • @Anticorp
      72 months ago

      If paper is the most valuable substance in the entire world, then why are they continuously smoking cigarettes that are rolled in paper? That would be like eating a chunk of gold every hour.

      • @Ceedoestrees
        72 months ago

        In my headcanon it’s some kind of smokable kelp wrapped in different kelp.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        Have you ever smoked? When you’re addicted you’d trade in a chunk of gold for a cigarette if necessary.

        • @Anticorp
          22 months ago

          I once walked 10 miles to get cigarettes, so yeah, I guess I get that.

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      Pretty sure when I went to WB world or whatever as a kid they had one of those 15min live shows of it. Jestskis and a few explosions. Surly it can’t be thst unpopular.

    • Dave
      22 months ago

      That was the first that came to mind, but I didn’t know it was very hated, just thought it bombed at the box office opening weekend because it was in competition with another movie that was way more popular.

    • @Duamerthrax
      22 months ago

      It’s a fine movie, but people really don’t like being reminded of climate change or other environment issues. Same thing with Avatar. If you cast an environmentalist as a villain though, people seem to like it.