Gonna keep this short and straight to the point, we all know how they act.
With trump siding with the Tech Bros Billionaires on immigration, even after his most die hard supporters were against it. I see several MAGAS just falling in line with Elon calling them stupid and that’s why we need more educated and qualified people to take these better jobs (whilst we’re on the cusp of deleting the Department of Education).
Anyone with functions eyes and ears can tell you they’ve been played, but they’re still deeply loyal to trump even though he back tracking on one of his biggest (and few) positions. Without mass deportations or hawkish immigration laws. What the hell does trump even offer to these people other than the occasional dog whistles they love?
As someone who actually voted for Trump, I like good wages, I like strong unions, I like my guns, and I hate abortions. I don’t like companies bringing in non-union immigrants for cheaper wages. I don’t like the 1994 AWB and the threats to bring it back.
Trump is not perfect, not by a long shot, but at least he claims to be for me. Harris, Biden, and Hillary, they were explicitly against me.
Ask me anything.
“Claims”… Let’s see how that goes in a few months
Yup. Hope for the best, but plan for the worst.
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So I’ll go through your points.
How do you feel about Trump & Elon laughing about Union busting on a Twitter space in front of millions? https://youtube.com/shorts/w_zJCwwhxJY?si=TRuQBFB7yezxsewB
Biden/Harris bailed out union pensions when every Republican voted to kill them.
What’s your thoughts on Trump banning Bump Stocks? He’s the only president in modern history in modern history to ban a firearm attachment.
What do you think of trump possibly not banning abortion federally? Since you hate, but live in a blue state, it wouldn’t be going anywhere.
As for wages. H1Bs stop qualified Americans from getting higher paying jobs in their field.
Like shit. Still, better than the alternative.
Reagan and his admin banned an entire classification of fire arms, with the 1986 “Firearm Owners Protection Act”. The Democrats banned common guns and features with the 1994 AWB. And still, better bump stocks than another AWB.
He simply doesn’t have the power to ban abortions federally, and frankly, I worry for when the democrats come back into power, so I’d rather he not have that power. I’ll take what I can get when it comes to abortion.
What’s the question on H1Bs?
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Why would you get an abortion then?
I wouldn’t, unless the baby was already dead, which isn’t really an abortion, but for some reason keeps coming up in random comments I get.
Well then it seems like abortions are not your problem then.
I don’t follow. Care to elaborate?
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This really isn’t what we’re going for in this community, and it’s also not productive. Nobody’s going to change their mind because they were insulted on the internet. That energy is better spent effecting real-world change.
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Please don’t respond to personal attacks with more of the same. Just report and/or downvote and ignore them
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