that’s the entire conservative thought process. always protect things over people. kill a homeless person? you’re a hero. use counterfeit 20 dollar bill? get strangled to death. rape? be our president. trespassing? get shot to death.
This is why the last time I made a sign for a pro-choice event, I made it in the shape of a uterus with a warning sign inside it, saying, “NO TRESPASSING: Violators may be aborted.”
They value property rights, so it seems only fitting to frame access to our bodies by using their own arguments.
that’s the entire conservative thought process. always protect things over people. kill a homeless person? you’re a hero. use counterfeit 20 dollar bill? get strangled to death. rape? be our president. trespassing? get shot to death.
This is why the last time I made a sign for a pro-choice event, I made it in the shape of a uterus with a warning sign inside it, saying, “NO TRESPASSING: Violators may be aborted.”
They value property rights, so it seems only fitting to frame access to our bodies by using their own arguments.