I have a one-shot LARP coming up in a few months and the character I was given dresses sort of punk/metal, with some flexibility. Character is supposed to be physically imposing.

Anyone have pointers on where to start? I have a kickass modern black kilt with purple tartan kickpleats, which I think I’ll use as a foundation. What can I add on?

I’m thinking ear cuffs, a torn, vintage band t-shirt, and a denim jacket. Chunky black boots if I can find any that don’t use natural rubber in their soles or adhesive :p .

Limitations: I don’t have any piercings or tattoos, and I’m not getting them for this role. I’m allergic to latex, gold, and nickel. I don’t want to spend too much on something I won’t use again. Hair is currently shoulder length. I am a white non-binary millennial, but the character is of unset gender.

I’m also interested in store suggestions, especially for non-pierced ear and face jewelry. I’m drowned in options and I don’t know which are honest about their materials. I’m in the United States.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    Punk is probably easier / lower-cost.

    • find the oldest t-shirt you own. turn it inside-out. A) if you do NOT want to keep the shirt, spraypaint or marker an “anarchy” symbol on it and tear the sleeves off. B) if you DO want to keep the shirt (or if the shirt is black), make the symbol using masking tape.
    • the denim jacket approach sounds promising. print out a bunch of punk band logos/names on card and safety-pin them to the jacket. If you can get your hands on a flag of some sort, pin that to the back. If you can’t, just get a plain cloth, scrawl with a marker some punk-related slogan (in my days it’d be “out of step” or “too drunk to fuck” or “no future” or something - edit: if you want to make it obvious you’re a punk, write “punk’s not dead”) on it and safety-pin it to the back. get some lightweight chains (cheap at hardware store if you don’t have) and safety-pin them to the jacket.
    • if you have any really old jeans, those would work great, just safety-pin a couple chains. if you don’t want to tear/cut them, use some black masking tape to make a couple random lines on them. If you have black boots that would work OK.
    • spike your hair… look for temporary dye… maybe do a mohawk… I’m not familiar with that stuff but you can probably find tutorials online

    That’ll get you 90% of the way to a costume version of a stereotypical punk. FWIW back in the day if you went to a punk show most of the people there would just dress like regular people (jeans and a t-shirt).