Poland’s minimum hourly wage has, for the first time, surpassed the federal minimum wage in the United States. On 1 January, the minimum wage in Poland rose to 30.50 zloty per hour before tax, which at the average exchange rate so far this year is $7.35

  • metaStatic
    4220 days ago

    Unions are why Australia has the highest minimum wage. if you’re ever unfortunate enough to be in a minimum wage job make a point of organising.

      • metaStatic
        420 days ago

        was just going off wikipedia but you’re right. Switzerland doesn’t have a national minimum wage but the few cantons that do are the highest in the world.

        heh, Aus is top of every list I can find because they are all sorted by national minimum. I would argue that a national award is stronger than a local minimum but I also like seeing us on top, so biased.