• @PigStyle
      02 months ago

      Agreed, and it still holds up as the best space Sim game ever in my opinion. The reason it wins that award for me is because it’s fighting/flying style felt really interesting and dynamic. We’re as every other space Sim I played did not capture that as well. That being said, I do enjoy alot of aspects of other space Sim games, so I’m not her to say they are bad. Just that freelancer is the best as a whole package. Only really negative to the game is that Microsoft owns it and because of that the only long term progression of the game is fan made.

      • DarkThoughts
        12 months ago

        I find the combat & flight model the biggest weak point of it to be honest, and certainly light years away from that of Elite Dangerous.

        • @PigStyle
          12 months ago

          To each there own I guess :)

      • lime!
        2 months ago

        i wouldn’t even classify freelancer as a space sim. it’s a point’n’shoot sandbox arcade game with a market. the story is great, the worldbuilding is good, but you could swap out the space part for basically any other vehicle-heavy setting without changing the mechanics. it’s sid meiers pirates in space, basically. the flying model, being constrained as it is by the entire world being flat, always felt like a weird compromise.

        personally i think games like Flight of Nova or Outer Wilds are far better space sims, but they don’t really have most other parts of freelancer, like combat or factions.

        the closest one can get in the modern era is probably the X series which to me feels better that freelancer but still feels pretty simple. if i am in space i want to feel like i’m in space. i want more games to go the Rogue System or Objects in Space route.

        • @PigStyle
          12 months ago

          Yea the flat thing I can agree with. Guessing they decided on that to streamline world building. Everything else I still disagree on, primarily because they are games, not Sims, so when I say space Sim game I mean the general direction of the game. If we want to get all technical, then the x games and elit don’t even come close to star citizen. And you will never hear me say star citizen is my favorite space Sim game.

          • lime!
            12 months ago

            that’s a take i’ve not seen before. i would never compare star citizen to any of those simply because it’s not a game. it’s a collection of systems intimately connected to one man’s hubris and a multimillion dollar grift.