There’s the obvious idea of a second 35rt. But I’m curious what other choices y’all might make. I like both the clean and dirty channels so please also indicate which one you’d set up as wet or dry.
There’s the obvious idea of a second 35rt. But I’m curious what other choices y’all might make. I like both the clean and dirty channels so please also indicate which one you’d set up as wet or dry.
Fender-type amps have great clean sounds, so something like a Twin Reverb world be great for that.
The Twin is a heavy-ass piece of gear, though, so by at your own risk. One of the smaller models might work as well, but I’ve no experience on those. A Vox AC30 could be nice as well.
Yeah a classic Fender go well for wet side, with wet effects already onboard the amp. More concerned about convincing the Baroness about the price tag on something like that than the weight though! 😅
Haha that’s nothing I can help you with. Good luck brother!