And I mean like Cartoon pop teleport sound effect “Huh? What happened to my job?”

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Maybe just keep politics out of work?

      I can’t stand anyone bringing up anything political at work - regardless of which “side”. It’s irrelevant and a distraction - I got shit to do.

      So if you got shitcanned for it, you’ll get zero sympathy from me.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        People that insist on keeping politics out of the workplace are the exact same type of people that work for less money than their peers for the military industrial complex, making missiles that turn brown people into hamburger. I find that they also tend to universally hold this grind-culture delusion that rich people are innately better people that earned their wealth and the poor are lazy, stupid scum that deserve to be exterminated and oppressed at every turn.

        Politics is humanity.

        If you actively encourage others to willingly eschew their freedom of speech or unquestioningly do work that results in the violent murder of innocent strangers without so much as a twinge of guilt in your mind, you are a scab with absolutely no spine and your opinion means jack shit to me.

        • @andrewta
          42 months ago

          I’m over 50 I’ve had numerous jobs and I’ve never had a job where the people at that workplace would wanna hear my political opinions. It’s understood you keep your politics out of the workplace. If that means you have no respect for me well so be it. But no one wants to hear your opinion at the workplace and no one wants to hear mine the workplace.

          Maybe in your country it’s acceptable, but I’ve had jobs throughout a number of states in the US never had a job where it was acceptable.

          As for freedom of speech. Yeah your freedom of speech only applies to what the government can do about you saying something.

          Has nothing to do with how your coworkers view you or treat you.

          • @[email protected]
            42 months ago

            freedom of speech

            … never means Freedom from Repercussions . When you’re on the clock, you gotta follow the rules.

            • @andrewta
              02 months ago

              You got a few downvotes for speaking the truth.

          • @[email protected]
            22 months ago


            Someone older than a teen understands we have a responsibility to bring people together, create a trusting environment, focused on the job at hand.

            So even when someone brings up politics, I simply don’t respond, or just ask a work question. Because I know most people doing this want to have their viewpoint validated, and I probably don’t agree in some way. This situation helps no one, and just promotes divisiveness.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          Work is for work, not for political bullshit.

          Political bullshit is alway divisive, and we all work too damn hard to build cohesive teams.

          I’ve seen it many times - if you’re one of those that is compelled to bring outside bullshit to work, where we have enough actual related issues to contend with, you’ll be left behind. People won’t want to work with you, I because you’re not a team player and more interested in discussing political crap (or reality TV crap, or whatever) than discussing the very real issues in front of us.

          We already don’t have enough time for the tasks at hand, last thing we need is such juvenile nonsense.

          You want to talk politics, do it on your break, away from me.

          And your freedom of speech bullshit argument is nothing more than a sophistry tactic known as a strawman. This reveals you to be a sophist, not interested in discovering truth, but rather in winning an argument.

          You even led with castigating me, and continued on with denigrating.

          You should probably revisit your intentions and ethics.

        • @[email protected]
          -32 months ago


          1. aggression
          2. ‘people that’ (not who? objectification)
          3. ‘cuck’
          4. people who disagree with you are coincidentally war criminal facilitators.

          Is this reddit?

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago
            1. tone policing
            2. grammar policing
            3. word policing (thanks for that. I think scab is so much more fitting in this case)
            4. tone policing

            Do these types of comments ever get you anywhere? Now that you’ve thoroughly offended me, did you have a point to make? Or was your point just that no one should have free speech and should be punished irreparably and permanently for calling out injustice wherever they see it?

            Speaking of which, do you ever attempt to vocalize these strangely despotic hot takes out loud to yourself and think, “am I a fascist?”

      • @[email protected]
        62 months ago

        A lot of times you can’t avoid bringing up politics. For example, let’s say you’re a person whose rights are under attack in the US, like a trans person. Talking about the threats to your existence and how you’re worried that it’ll become legal to discriminate against you is “politics”, so you’re stuck in the position of “let these attacks happen and don’t speak up about it, thus ensuring things get worse” or speak up and risk your job.

      • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
        2 months ago

        With many subjects, I agree. But there are other subjects that have been politicized, which really shouldn’t have been. Someone’s sexual orientation shouldn’t be a matter of political debate. If a gay guy mentions their husband, that’s not “bringing up politics”, but many conservatives will treat it as such. I’ve heard all of the “shoving it in my face” comments just because someone dared to mention their partner when asked how their weekend was. In reality, that person is simply existing, and peoples’ existence should never be a matter of political debate.