Many US States have new laws that require porn sites to verify age and most porn sites don’t want to make themselves a target for Cyber attacks (searching for identity documents) so they deny access to any IP address in the state with that law.
The vpn is just to Make it look like you’re in a state that doesn’t have these censorship laws
“It’s just porn”? What does that mean? Are people sending porn over email or something?
Republican states have banned or blocked porn sites. People are using VPNs to bypass.
Oooh, I misread. Thanks.
Many US States have new laws that require porn sites to verify age and most porn sites don’t want to make themselves a target for Cyber attacks (searching for identity documents) so they deny access to any IP address in the state with that law.
The vpn is just to Make it look like you’re in a state that doesn’t have these censorship laws
I like to fax dick pics to land lines that decide to attach a fax machine to them.
Fax is like uhhhhh e-mail for rotary phones.