• @[email protected]
    422 months ago

    Where to begin…

    But I’ll touch on something no one else has here.

    Shopping carts. It’s mindblowing to me that the country that sent men to the moon still hasn’t figured out that its easier for everyone if they turn on all 4 wheels rather than the 2 front ones.

    That way you can slide your cart sideways to make room for other shoppers. And turning it takes no effort.

    And even… even if it is some weird cost cutting thing. Why not make them turn on the rear wheels? That would still make it easier than in the front. Since you steer the cart from the rear.

    Get your shit together. Put gun controll aside, put your dumb ass two party politics aside and focus on what matters. Your godawful shopping carts.

    • @[email protected]
      72 months ago

      TIL: 4 rotating wheels are not default everywhere. I love these 5 wheeled carts of the beverage store. Which is way easier to steer.

    • @lepinkainen
      32 months ago

      Maybe add the coin slot to them too, zero unreturned carts would exist. There would be a cottage industry of people returning free carts for the 50c coin if people won’t do it themselves

    • @harmsy
      32 months ago

      Okay, the all 4 wheels thing is a good idea, but turning on rear only is a horrible idea. Here’s why:

      Let’s ignore which end is front and which end is back. You’ve got a box. Two of the wheels swivel around, and the other two don’t. Try pulling that box behind you, using only one hand, from the end with the fixed wheels. Thing goes all over the place, and you can’t control it. Pull it from the end with the swivel wheels, and it just follows your hand.

      Now push that box from the end with the swiveling wheels. You have to make huge movements to keep it going straight, and in order to make it go left, you gotta shove that sucker way over to the right. Pushing it from the end with the fixed wheels is much simpler. Push box left, box go left. Push box right, box go right. Much easier for meltybrain cave man to figure out.

      • @[email protected]
        52 months ago

        I strongly disagree. I’ve pulled and pushed carts that only turn on the rear wheels. It’s not complicated nor difficult. Even with one hand.

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      Wellll I don’t entirely agree. Ever been to IKEA and had a cart full of furniture? It takes every bit of strength my strong body can manage to take a turn without sliding out of control sideways and knocking over five display units and three children. The non-turning back wheels make turns more manageable. Carts should work like cars, front wheels turn, back wheels don’t. I submit this comment as sacrifice.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        Ever been to IKEA

        I’m Swedish. So yes. I think it’s fair to say I’ve been to IKEA. I stand by what I said.