The reverse of that post I’ve made a week ago…
Rules: pick one movie or series and explain why you actually enjoyed it despite the criticism.
For me: The JJ Abrams Star Trek movies, by far the best ST stuff ever made, I couldn’t take seriously the original universe with the dated effects and stiff acting, same goes for NG… These movies did ST actually great looking and much more believable, not just the effects.
In this thread: I’m mostly finding people I feel I need to add to my “no longer like them” list for irreconcilable differences.
I’m having a hard time deciding what qualifies as “HATED” or highly disliked.
A lot of people hated Edge of Tomorrow because Tom Cruise. But I am actually quite fond of the movie.
A lot of people hate Apocolypto, and it’s objectively a terrible movie from a historical as well as moral/ethical perspective, I don’t disagree there. But at the end of the day it is entertaining if you can turn your brain off.
Edge of Tomorrow is the perfect video game movie. We get to see the player become gradually more skilled after playing the same levels over and over.
I’ve never seen people mention this as a problem, it’s universally liked as far as I can tell. I have seen it mentioned humorously, as in “as a bonus, if you don’t like Tom Cruise you can watch him die in this movie, like, a lot”.